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This is currently under development.


In Jan, models are primary entities with the following capabilities:

  • Users can import, configure, and run models locally.
  • An OpenAI Model API compatible endpoint at localhost:1337/v1/models.
  • Supported model formats: ggufv3, and more.

Folder Structure

  • Models are stored in the /models folder.
  • Models are organized by individual folders, each containing the binaries and configurations needed to run the model. This makes for easy packaging and sharing.
  • Model folder names are unique and used as model_id default values.
jan/                               # Jan root folder
llama2-70b-q4_k_m/ # Example: standard GGUF model
mistral-7b-gguf-q3_k_l/ # Example: quantizations are separate folders
mistral-7b-gguf-q8_k_m/ # Example: quantizations are separate folders
llava-ggml-Q5/ # Example: model with many partitions


  • Each model folder contains a model.json file, which is a representation of a model.
  • model.json contains metadata and default parameters used to run a model.


Here's a standard example model.json for a GGUF model.

"id": "zephyr-7b", // Defaults to foldername
"object": "model", // Defaults to "model"
"sources": [
"filename": "zephyr-7b-beta.Q4_K_M.gguf",
"url": ""
"name": "Zephyr 7B", // Defaults to foldername
"owned_by": "you", // Defaults to "you"
"version": "1", // Defaults to 1
"created": 1231231, // Defaults to file creation time
"description": null, // Defaults to null
"format": "ggufv3", // Defaults to "ggufv3"
"engine": "nitro", // engine_id specified in jan/engine folder
"engine_parameters": {
// Engine parameters inside model.json can override
"ctx_len": 4096, // the value inside the base engine.json
"ngl": 100,
"embedding": true,
"n_parallel": 4
"model_parameters": {
// Models are called parameters
"stream": true,
"max_tokens": 4096,
"stop": ["<endofstring>"], // This usually can be left blank, only used with specific need from model author
"frequency_penalty": 0,
"presence_penalty": 0,
"temperature": 0.7,
"top_p": 0.95
"metadata": {}, // Defaults to {}
"assets": [
// Defaults to current dir

The engine parameters in the example can be found at: Nitro's model settings

The model parameters in the example can be found at: Nitro's model parameters

API Reference

Jan's Model API is compatible with OpenAI's Models API, with additional methods for managing and running models locally.

See Jan Models API.

Importing Models


This is currently under development.

You can import a model by dragging the model binary or gguf file into the /models folder.

  • Jan automatically generates a corresponding model.json file based on the binary filename.
  • Jan automatically organizes it into its own /models/model-id folder.
  • Jan automatically populates the model.json properties, which you can subsequently modify.